Who ate all the pies?

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The Emperor was one of the most formidable strikers in Italy and terrorised defenders up and down the Serie A, however, his appetite for banquets soon caught up with him.

Sergio Ballesteros

The Levante legend looked like he might be more suited to rugby than football, but that didn't stop him governing the Los Granota backline between 2008 and 2013.

José Luis Chilavert

Everyone's favourite free kick taking Paraguayan keeper never had a problem filling his own goal frame.

James Rodríguez

The sensitive Colombian doesn’t like people drawing attention to his paunch: ““It hurts when people call me fat”.

Jan Molby

The Danish Pastry won two league titles and two FA Cups with Liverpool.

Diego Maradona

The enigmatic number 10's love handles have become a lot more prominent since his decision to hang up his boots.

Neville Southall

Never has a goalkeeper better exemplified the phrase "he gets down fast for a big man" than Big Nev.

Paul Gascoigne

What list of well-fed players would be complete without the inclusion of auld Five Bellies himself?

Tomas Brolin

Presumably the ex-Sweden midfielder developed a taste for Parma ham during his time with the Italian club of the same region.

Wayne Rooney

Fat jibes have followed the Manchester United forward throughout his career.

Neil Lennon

They say wearing vertical stripes can disguise excess baggage but the Northern Irishman’s commitment to the Celtic cause meant there was no hiding his hefty figure.

Michael Robinson

“One fatty Robbo, there’s only one fatty Robbo” the Kop used to chant (to the tune of Guantanamera) when Michael Robinson’s name was read out over the Anfield PA. The striker took it in good humour. Osasuna fans were a little kinder to him during his time


If not for the emergence of a certain Portuguese player, the once greatest striker on the planet might have a less disparaging nickname than 'Fat Ronaldo' nowadays.

Frank Lampard

The former Chelsea man was taunted about his apparent chubby frame throughout his Premier League career.

Gonzalo HIguaín

Just this week the Napoli president, Aurelio De Laurentiis, had this to say about this season's top scorer in Serie A: "he's fat; like a block of concrete".

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