"Higuaín is fat; like a block of concrete" - De Laurentiis

Surprising comments from Napoli’s president who claims the team’s top scorer and candidate for this year’s Golden Shoe is overweight.

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Napoli president Aurelio De Laurentiis has made surprising comments about Gonzalo Higuaín’s weight. In declaration picked up by La Gazzetta dello Sport, said that the Argentine striker, the team’s top scorer and candidate for this year’s Golden Shoe with 24 goals to date in Serie A, is too chubby.

"We cannot depend solely on one player and we cannot demand more from Higuaín but it’s true that when someone puts on one and a half kilos too much, it’s like running with a block of concrete", De Laurentiis reasoned.


The president’s controversial comments come after it was revealed that Napoli have designed a special diet for ‘El Pipita’ to help him control his weight. "Above all it’s necessary so that Higuaín can recover the splendid form he was in a month ago; we’ll see what effects the results have", a spokesman explained.

Higuaín is in the form of his life – he is currently just one goal behind Barcelona’s Luis Suárez as Europe’s top scorer and his goals have maintained Napoli neck and neck with Juventus in the battle to lift the Scudetto.

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