Hurt pride is the biggest injury


The biggest injury Madrid have to deal with at the moment is the massive blow to the team’s pride. That’s problem Zidane will need to address with his players from here on out to prevent any more catastrophes. Further slipups are by no means out of the question especially given the collective head drop in the dressing room following the derby defeat. The prestige of the club and decency to the fans demand that the team lift their spirits, regain self-esteem, get their blood pumping and fight until the final whistle in all the competitions. Zizou mistakenly told the press “LaLiga’s over” but now he’ll have to convince his squad that in fact they still are in the title hunt.

Words are cheap, action is what’s needed. Excuses about the long list of injuries and players being out through suspension won’t cut it, nor too will Cristiano’s disparaging remarks about “his level”. Zidane has two challenges that can either save his skin or irrevocably discredit his appointment: finish the LaLiga season with heads held high and get to the later stages of the Champions League. Winning the European competition would paper over all the cracks, but as things stand Madrid don’t look anywhere near up to the task. Right now the squad need to banish their demons and unite under a common cause, regardless of the players out on the pitch. Zidane is the first one in need of an injection of enthusiasm. He also has to start applying himself better in terms of his technical duties. Hurt pride needs to be put aside for now.

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