James fined €10,400

According to ABC, the Real Madrid midfielder has received the largest possible financial penalty for evading police on his way to training on New Year’s Day.


James Rodríguez is set to receive a 10,400 euro fine for his New Year’s Day car chase. The Colombian midfielder was pursued by an undercover police car as he sped to training at over 200 kilometres per hour, claim Spanish newspaper ABC.

The Real Madrid star was handed the heftiest monetary punishment possible for disobeying and resisting authority (fines range from 601 to 10,400 euros). ABC alleges that the South American could yet face a larger charge for a breaching Traffic Security.

James was captured on camera by ASTV when he arrived at the Real Madrid sports complex at high speed with the undercover police car in hot pursuit. Despite receiving instructions to pull over, the 24-year-old ignored the officers and continued past the security check point at Valdebebas. The police officers were heard telling the private security guards: “We were chasing him at 200km/h on the M-40 [motorway]!". Sources at the club say James didn’t stop because he thought it was an attempt to kidnap him.

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