Raúl: "Hanging up my boots wasn't that traumatic"

LaLiga's ambassador in the United States explains that he is now "getting to know a little more about the business side of sport".

Ex-Real Madrid player and LaLiga's ambassador in the United States Raúl González Blanco confessed that he is very happy with the direction his new career is heading and admitted that hanging up his boots back in November wasn't such a traumatic experience.

Speaking at an event in New York organized by Real Madrid CF and Madrid's European University Raúl said: "Making the change wasn't so traumatic. As a player, I knew one side of football and now I am learning a little more about the industry itself and the business side of sport. LaLiga have done great work over the past few years and now we have the opportunity to continue that work here in the United States. It's a huge challenge. There is a lot to learn about how sport is understood and experienced in this country".

As for his day to day routine in New York, the former striker added,"Every day I have good sensations; I'm very happy. I'm still very much in contact with the football world, but now from a different perspective. It's incredible being in New York and being able to contribute to a great project.

"We've only strated to take the first steps with this project. Now we will be explaining our ideas to educational institutions and other people involved in the footballing world. We spend quite a lot of time in the office or in meetings. One of the focus points is with youngsters. LaLiga is able to take on an educational role because we have the best professionals in that regard", he concluded.

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