Attempted reconciliation with Mestalla goes up in smoke

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Undiano Mallenco was in charge of on-field matters at Mestalla.

Foto:Alberto IranzoDIARIO AS

Layhoon Chan

Foto:Alberto IranzoDIARIO AS

Gary Neville chats to Miguel Ángel Angulo

Foto:Alberto IranzoDIARIO AS

Travelling Celta fans at Mestalla. Seven wins on the road now for the 'Celtiñas'

Foto:Alberto IranzoDIARIO AS

Valencia have lost their last three league games and drop to 14th after today's game.

Foto:Alberto IranzoDIARIO AS

Celta boss Eduardo Berizzo.

Foto:Alberto IranzoDIARIO AS

Super Guidetti does it again. 0-1. Min.79

Foto:Alberto IranzoDIARIO AS

Guidetti celebrates

Foto:Alberto IranzoDIARIO AS

White hankies, or any available white fabric, get waved in protest at Mestalla.

Foto:Alberto IranzoDIARIO AS

One of those days. Valencia's Paco Alcácer

Foto:Miguel Ángel PoloEFE

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Hugo Mallo doubles

Foto:Alberto IranzoDIARIO AS

Dejection for Maty Ryan and Mustafi.

Foto:Alberto IranzoDIARIO AS

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