West Ham say they won't sell Dmitri Payet for less than 120M

David Sullivan, part-owner of the English club, has stated that he is not looking to sell the talented Frenchman and would value the player at 100 million pounds.


French star playmaker Dimitri Payet's impressive performances at Euro 2016 will cost potential suitors at least £50million ($65m, 58m euros) David Gold the co-chairman of his Premier League club West Ham told the BBC on Monday. He went further when discussing the issue with The Sun claiming that it would take a world record offer to even get them thinking about selling.

Impressing the masses

The 29-year-old Frenchman -- who sparkled for The Hammers last season scoring nine goals in 30 appearances -- had a memorable Euro campaign scoring some spectacular goals with his tears when he came off in the opening victory over Romania one of the standout moments.

Despite ending up on the losing side in the final against Portugal -- his most notable contribution an early challenge on Cristiano Ronaldo that ended with the Portuguese superstar going off injured -- he is bound to attract offers.

Payet crashes into Cristiano Ronaldo which effectively ended the tournament for the Real Madrid striker.FRANCK FIFEAFP

"Super clubs would come after a player of his ability," Gold told BBC Radio. "We wouldn't even listen to an offer less than £50m. The club needs to keep their best players and don't welcome any offers for Payet. He's instrumental, he's important, the team is built round him. He's not for sale."

Gold said Payet had taken to London really well since joining from Ligue 1 outfit Marseille last year and got on really well with manager Slaven Bilic.

"You make him as happy as you can," said Gold when asked how to ensure he stays. "He has a great relationship with the manager. He's settled in London, as is his family and the fans adore him. We've done everything we possibly can."

Dimitri Payet's form for West Ham ensured a place in the French Euro side.Andrew BoyersREUTERS

Taking a stand...up to 100 million

When asked if he was worried about potentially losing him the owner was clear. Speaking to The Sun he said:

“There might be six weeks of silliness when he bangs the table. But just because a big club wants him, tough luck. He signed a contract and you take the rough and smooth of a contract. Sometimes clubs have got to be tough and stand up and say ‘he’s contracted to us, he’s our player’. Just because he can get more money somewhere else he expects us to sell him.

“Well, we’re not selling him unless someone wants to break the world transfer record and then we might consider it! Even at his age he must be worth £100m.”

Payet shone in the early stages of Euro 2016, a key reason for his value inflation.GEORGI LICOVSKIEFE

New contract talks

"We’ve given him a new contract. If he’s still doing what he’s doing now at Christmas or the end of the season we might give him another new contract. But he’s only just signed a new contract four months ago and I don’t see that three games for France entitles him to another new contract after four months.”


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