One of Rakitic’s agents: “I think it’s time to leave…”

Miquel Sors, who works with Arturo Canaes, the player’s agent, has been putting pressure on Barcelona to improve the midfielder’s contract.


The arrival of André Gomes to add another midfielder to the Barcelona squad could result in one victim: Ivan Rakitic. Miquel Sors, one of the agents who Works with Arturo Canales, Ivan Rakitic’s official representative, tweeted on Friday: “I think it’s time to leave…”

Since last season Rakitic has been promised an improved contract that has not been forthcoming. The Croatia international, who signed a five-year deal, has been a key player for Luis Enrique and Los Culé. One interpretation is that it will open the door for Rakitic to find a club that can offer more lucrative conditions, given that he is unlikely to be short of potential suitors. Another interpretation involves putting pressure on Barça to improve the player’s conditions. Miquel Sors also retweeted other journalists who believe André Gomes’s signing will signal the departure of another midfielder from Barcelona this summer.


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