Pogba signs Manchester United shirt with his number

Pogba, whose record breaking move to Manchester United is expected to be announced imminently continues to give clues to his future.


Paul Pogba is this summer's big transfer news, with the French midfielder expected to complete a world record breaking move to Manchester United imminently.

Pogba on holiday, signing Man Utd shirts

Pogba is on holiday in Los Angeles, where to the delight of one Manchester United fan he signed a Red Devils shirt, and not only that but one bearing the number he's expected to wear this coming season at Old Trafford: number 6. 

Pogba teases over medical

With the football world waiting for confirmation of his move to Manchester United from Juventus, Pogba continues to tease (after his Route 66 instagram post), with his latest a Tweet saying he was having a medical at Universal Studios, this after various reports over the past few days that a planned medical had been cancelled, or that he had had a medical.

Pogba uses hashtag #blabla

Pogba used the hashtag #blabla, in reference to a tweet from his agent Mino Raiola earlier in the transfer saga saying using the phrase to refer to the rumours in the press over a confirmed deal for Pogba to move to United, and later used as part of an Adidas campaign, don't believe everything you read in the papers. 


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