Roma reel in Vermaelen - reports

Pending official confirmation from both clubs, 'Corriere dello Sport' are reporting that the Barça central defender has joined the 'Giallorossi'.

Corriere dello Sport

Roma could be the next destination for out-of-favour Barcelona centre-back Thomas Vermaelen with La Corriere dello Sport claiming that a deal has already gone through and now all that remains is for both clubs to make it official. Vermaelen is a priority signing for coach Luciano Spalletti who has petitioned President James Pallotta for funding to reinforce the Giallorossi defence for the new campaign. 

Barça and Roma have agreed that Vermaelen will join the Italians on a one-year loan, with a clause which would force Spalletti's side to buy the defender outright should he complete a specific number of games. The area where the two clubs have not seen eye to eye concerns the transfer fee: Roma have offered 2 million euros for the loan plus another 8 million if they keep Vermaelen; Barça want  2 million plus 12 for the purchace. According to La Gazzetta, it's feasible that they could find a middle ground and settle on 2M +10 M.

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