Diego López joins Espanyol: "I feel like I'm 20 all over again"

The goalkeeper was unveiled by Espanyol together with Álvaro Vázquez. "In my heart, I knew that this was the only option", the striker said.

Diego López and Álvaro Vázquez are now fully on board at Espanyol. The pair were formally unveiled on Friday, after sealing deadline day-moves to Cornellà. After injury left him devoid of playing time with AC Milan last season, Espanyol's call came as music to Diego López's ears. "I'll be fighting for a place like I always have done", the 34-year-old keeper said. "When the years go by, you can feel as though your level is dropping but I've looked after myself and I'm fine. I've just come back from injury and a while without playing but I feel exactly how I felt when I was 20 - the ambition's the same".

The Galician said that the deal went through "in no time" and thanked representatives from both clubs for make his one-year loan transfer happen. "I haven't come here to spend my holidays; every player has something to contribute within their role in the team. The goalkeeping position, for example, requires personality and experience. We have to form a strong, united group and grasp the coach's ideas”.

Álvaro Vázquez: "In my heart, I knew that Espanyol was my only option"

Four years after leaving the club, Álvaro Vázquez has returned. The striker, who spent time on the books at Getafe and Swansea, is back at his lifelong club and is, in his own words, "a more mature player than before I left". The Badalona-born forward had already passed a medical with Deportivo when he received a surprise phonecall from his old club. "In my heart I knew there was really only one option for me. My experience away from Espanyol didn't turn out how I had hoped but it helped me to grow as a player. Now I am here and that's the most important thing, and part of a project which will force us to battle in every single training session to gain a place in the side".

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