Brutal foul from Escalante on Busquets

Sergio Busquets left the Ipurua pitch on a stretcher after he was fouled by Escalante after 8 minutes of the match between Eibar and Barcelona. Denis Suáres took his place.


After eight minutes of the Eibar - Barcelona match, Eibar number 5 Gonzalo Escalante went in roughly, clumsily and late on Barça's Sergio Busquets. The Eibar player stamped directly, with his whole weight, on Busquet's ankle, which bent nastily, and left the Barcelona player on the ground.

Busquets on the ground after being fouled.David RamosGetty Images

Referee gives no foul for challenge on Busquets

Incredibly, despite referee Sánchez Martínez apparently looking right at the incident, the whistler gave nothing for the foul, which left Busquets writhing in pain on the Eibar turf.

Busquets stretchered off

It became immediately clear that Busquets would play no further part in the match, and he was lifted onto the stretcher and wheeled from the field. Denis Suárez took his place, and scored Barcelona's opening goal, after 32 minutes, with a fine, low rasping shot into the corner from just outside the box. 

Busquets stretchered off during Eibar-Barcelona gameANDER GILLENEAAFP

Busquets could be out for a month

Initial reports suggest that Busquets has suffered sprained ankle ligaments, meaning he could be out for around a month.

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