Márquez warns Trump about building the Mexican wall

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, restated his election campaign promise to construct a 3,200 km wall along the border of Mexico. The ex-Barça player has had his say.


Donald Trump confirmed yesterday that he is to move forward with his election campaign plans to build a 3,200 kilometre wall along the border between the United States of America and Mexico, and continues to claim that the country to the south will foot the bill. The Mexican president, Peña Nieto, has reiterated his disappointment with the project and stated firmly that they will not be paying.

Rafael Márquez representing his country.

Standing against the wall

It's a plan that has not sat well with most Mexicans, as well as people around the world, including Trump's fellow Americans. And one football star who may be affected by the potential change to US-Mexican relations has taken to social media to make his view heard.

Rafael Márquez, former Barcelona defender and now captain for Mexican club Atlas, is a national football icon and, alongside the video of a free kick he scored in his Barça days, wrote on his official Twitter account: "There is no wall able to stop us if we believe in ourselves".

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