Real Madrid make European Superleague threats


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Let’s look at it this way - Real Madrid are top of the table with two games in hand. That would be enough for most teams to feel satisfied – maybe even to feel a little confident. But the tantrum which the club threw over the cancellation of yesterday’s game in Vigo, for serious causes, makes it difficult to see it that way. Madrid, with Florentino at the head, fought against all logic and common sense to ensure that the match was played; going against the decision taken by the local Mayor – in the wake of the severe weather in the north west of Spain and northern Portugal. Madrid’s attempts came to nothing as they were fighting a losing battle. What they should have done was look at the setback with calm and the league table with enthusiasm.

Pontevedra, Galicia this weekendSalvador SasEFE

Mean and unsporting

The club’s attitude stems from two mean-spirited impulses. One, the frustration of not having the chance to play against a Celta side which would have comprised of nine fringe players – in terms of ambition, that is hardly a very sporting approach to the game. The other, the hasty assumption that the match’s suspension was the Mayor obediently allowing Celta to put off a match in what is a crucial week for the club. All of that without considering the actual situation and the real reason: the harsh weather conditions had highlighted the bad state of the awnings at Riazor and Balaídos, the real reason why both games had to be suspended. An untimely and unexpected setback, but life is full of such setbacks. In these situations, the advice is usually: when the weather is bleak, put on a brave face.

Part of the roof at Riazor was blown away by high windsOSCAR CORRALEL PAÍS

Toys out of the pram

Florentino’s arrogance has taken a knock, of course. And now it emerges that Madrid are threatening that they deserve something better - like the European Superleague, a project cooked up by Charlie Stilitano, the promoter for the summer International Champions Cup tournament – and sort of Trofeo Carranza held on three continents but which involves the richest clubs in Europe. Madrid are within their rights to consider such a project, and even be excited by the prospect of it. But decisions can’t be made on the back of tantrums and worse still, through spite. The problem, is that Madrid were hoping for something which was simply not possible.

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