Borussia Dortmund Twitter account hacked with Nazi symbol

A message was published in Turkish which affected many high profile Twitter accounts including Amnesty International and the BBC.


Bundesliga side Borussia Dortmund was one of the many high profile media Twitter accounts that was targeted by hackers apparently sympathetic to Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan. A message posted in Turkish stating: 

“卐 #NaziGermany👌#NaziNetherlands, a little👋#OTTOMAN SLAP for you, see you on #April16th.”

This is the date when Turkey is scheduled to hold a referendum on whether to grant stronger powers to its president Erdoğan.

Other high profile accounts affected

Dortmund were not alone in being targeted by the online pirates as Boris Becker, Forbes, Amnesty International Unicef USA and the BBC North American Twitter feed were also affected with the message.

Dortmund later posted a Tweet thanking users for pointing out the hack.

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