The public prosecutor challenges Florentino


At the same time that the inland revenue are discovering alleged tax fraud cases in the world of football on an alarming basis, the public prosecutor are filtering details that, despite not making the headlines are worthy of analysis. The latest of these is the date on which Real Madrid officially contracted Jose Mourinho. The date in question (March 31, 2010) has just been revealed despite Manuel Pellegrini still being the coach at the club at the time with another year to run on his contract at the club. The date of the Mourinho's acquisition is a clear breach of trust on Florentino's part towards Pellegrini and in turn, from the Portuguese coach towards his colleagues and the date of the deal exposes both Florentino and Mou in an unfavourable light.



This information comes after the news that Cristiano Ronaldo was signed as a Real Madrid player a year before Florentino returned to the position as Real Madrid president (during Ramon Calderon's term as president). This was generally common knowledge but smothered by the smokescreen that tends to emanate from the upper echelons of the Santiago Bernabeu. Florentino also signed Kaká and Benzema upon his return and the Portuguese player triumphed at the club despite constant changes of coach in a time where Barcelona under Leo Messi enjoyed a rich vein of form with Xavi and Iniesta pulling the strings in midfield.

Cristiano RonaldoMARIO CRUZEFE

CR7 triumphs

When Cristiano gets angry and frustrated it's worth looking back at his time with Real Madrid and remembering the difficult times at the club. He's still convinced that the club is run in a chaotic manner by an individual who started out by claiming that too much money was paid for his services, who constantly changed managers with an alarming frequency and with the exception of Benzema, never allowed time for another striking partner to gel with the Portuguese forward. I'm sure, on reflection Cristiano would have imagined things to have worked out differently at the Real Madrid he admired as a child. A Madrid from a time where things were handled in  a different way. Despite all the mist, Madrid is still his club and it's still the best.