Getafe goal not given and no Liga goal line technology to help

The ball appeared to cross the line when Molina directed a strong header towards Athletic's goal but Kepa's block was quick enough to suggest to the officials otherwise


Controversy in Bilbao as another situation that could have been simply resolved with goal-line technology results in an incorrect decision.

Just nine minutes into the game away to Athletic Fajr delivered a free-kick that was headed goalwards by the Getafe frontman Jorge Molina. Kepa, in goal for Athletic, blocked the attempt and referee Melero López ruled that it had not crossed the line. He was not afforded the luxury, or 'business-as-usual tool' for those in other European leagues, of the technology that can make the accurate decision for him.

Removing indecision in LaLiga

Former referee Iturralde González said after the event on Spanish programme Carrusel Deportivo that TV replays were inconclusive. And it's not the first controversy of its type on this the opening weekend of fixtures. On Saturday, during the Sevilla - Espanyol game, referee Hernández Hernández gave a goal to Lenglet which some say did not cross the line.

As yet, goal-decision technology, as well as the Video Assistant Referee system (VAR), have not been incorporated into LaLiga despite numerous calls.

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