Real Madrid is "Lewandowski's dream club" - Rummenigge

The Bayern Munich CEO blasted the Polish striker for criticizing Bayern and reminded him that Madrid spent double the amount of time on tour than his team.


In an interview publsihed in today's edition of Bild, Bayern Munich CEO Karl-Heinz Rummenigge referred to Real Madrid's old interest in signing Robert Lewandowski and the player's hidden desire to join the Spanish giants: "If he is moaning about our Asian tour, he should remember that the supposed club of his dreams, Real Madrid, spent 24 days over the summer in the heat - twice as long as we did", Rummenigge said.

Effenburg furious with Lewandowski's complaints

His comments come a week after Lewandowski criticized Bayern's transfer policy and complained that if the club wants to be more competitive, they need to bring in players of a higher level. Former Bayern captain Stefan Effenberg was furious to hear such an attack and demanded that Lewandowski be transfer-listed.


Rummenigge also laid into the Polish striker in his interview with Bild: "I'm sorry about what he said. It's not the first time that he has spoken badly of our club and I know that his agent [Maik] Barthel is behind those declarations. I don't think though, that a player would have that amount of power. Lewandowski's contract is up in 2021 and unfortunately for him he doesn't have a release clause".

Rummenigge believes that Lewandowski's agent arranged the player's interview with Der Spiegel, which wasn't previously authorized by Bayern, added that that the club's Director of Sport Hasan Salihamidzic has already had a quiet word with the player about the whole affair. "Lewandowski has no need to worry. We have a very good team this season. And we have a philosophy in place for many years - a serious and strong philosophy which has brought us a lot of success".

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