Astori autopsy reveals he died of natural causes

The Fiorentino captain died in his sleep last week and was found dead in his hotel room on Sunday ahead of Fiorentina's scheduled match at Udinese.


The results of the autopsy on the body of Davide Astori, the Fiorentino captain who died on Sunday, were released this afternoon. According to Udine's chief prosecutor, Antonio De Nicolo, in comments on the TV programme 'La vita in diretta', the player's heart slowed down while he was sleeping until it stopped: "It is a cardiac death, probably caused by bradycardia. There are no causes other than it being a natural death, although it will be necessary to wait for the histological exams, which will take about 60 days. Then we will have the complete picture."

Astori funeral scheduled for Thursday

A representative of Astori's family attended the autopsy. Astori's funeral is scheduled for Thursday at the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Florence.

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