Modric returns with great aplomb



Some players just cannot be replaced and Luka Modric is certainly among that rolls-royce elite. It is, in fact, a little unfair on the other midifielders who came in to fill the Croat's boots and did so magnificently, but Modric just isn't your average player

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There were times at Ipurua on Saturday afternoon when the Madrid midfielder was simply majestic and gave little indication of his lack of playing time following a spell on the sidelines. What he can do with the ball no longer leaves us open-mouthed, and those passes with the outside of the boot, or the way he takes players out of the game with such ease, has become routine.  


One other aspect of Luka's game that is worthy of mention because it so often goes unnoticed is his defensive work - against Eibar he won the ball back fifteen times, more than any other player. A total midfielder. 

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