Marseille ultras stab San Mamés security guard in the neck

The 57-year-old security guard is in a stable condition at Basurto hospital. A colleague was stabbed in the hand. An Olympique Marseille fan has been arrested.


Two security guards at San Mamés were injured, one receiving a knife wound to the neck, and an Olympique de Marseille supporter has been arrested in connection with the attack which happened at 19.15 hours - a quarter of an hour before tonight's Europa League tie between Athletic Club and Olympique de Marseille kicked off. According to early reports, the guard drew attention from a group of travelling Olympique de Marseille supporters and was attacked.

The 57-year-old victim was taken to Basurto hospital with a knife wound to the left side of his neck - the cut was not deep enough to penetrate muscles in the patient's neck, a hospital spokesman confirmed. The wounded security guard is reported to be in a stable condition.


Second security guard injured

Almost immediately after that first attack, another member of the stadium security services was injured in a second incident involving Marseille supporters. The guard required medical attention for a minor knife wound to his hand. Shortly afterwards, a Marseille fans was arrested by the Ertzaintza. It is believed however, that the arrested man was not involved in the first aggression.

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