12 athletes who fell into politics when their careers ended

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Abel Antón

As an Athlete, he was a specialist in distance races, first in 5,000 and 10,000m, and later in the marathon, a race in which he was twice world champion. He became councilor of sports in Soria with the Partido Popular. Since December 2011 he is a senator

Marta Domínguez

She started here career in politics in 2003 with Partido Popular in the city council in Palencia, before becoming a senator for the Partifo Popular in 2011. As an athlete, she was a runner, mostly the steeplechase and she represented Spain four times at t

Foto:Jesús Álvarez OrihuelaDiario as

Fermín Cacho

Olympic Champions in 1992, and he gave politics a go in 2003 with PSOE in the city council of Andújar.


Former Barcelona footballer and member of parliament in Rio de Janeiro.

Manolo Martínez

The thrower started politics in 2003 as a sports councillor in León.


Garry Kasparov

After retiring from chess. The former World Champion became one of Vladimir Putin's political opponents.


He began his political career in 2010 as a candidate for parliament for the State of Rio de Janeiro within the Democratic Party (PDT) and in 2014 was given another term for four years.

Manny Pacquiao

Pacquiao, the only boxer to hold eight world titles in eight different weights. Currently, he is a senator for the the Phillipines.


Gianni Rivera

He was the first Italian to win the Balon d'Or after he left his role as vice-president of Milan, he started his career in politics arriving as the vice-secretary for defense in the Romano Prodi government. Also a member of the European parliament.

George Weah/presidente de Liberia

The only African to win the Balon d'Or (1995). Last October, he entered the presidential elections for Liberia and got into the second round, where he won with 61.5% of votes in front of the vice-president Joseph Boakai becoming the president of his count


He was the minister of sports in Brazil between 1994 and 1998, under the hand of president Fernando Henrique Cardoso.


Kakha Kaladze

Milan player and after he hung up his boots, he was elected as the vice prime minister of Georgia in charge of regional development and infrastructure. Currently, he is the mayor of Tifilis, the capital of Georgia.


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