Gay people should go to hell - Folau in homophobic slur

Rugby Australia has distanced itself from homophobic comments made by Israel Folau on social media.

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Australia full-back Israel Folau has courted controversy once again with a social media comment stating homosexuals should go to "hell".

Devout Christian Folau, who was vocal in his opposition of Australia's decision to legalise same-sex marriage last year, is already facing a social media backlash after outlining his views on Instagram.

Folau initially posted a graphic of 'God's plan', which one user replied to by asking what God's plan was for gay people?

The 29-year-old, who plays his club rugby for the Waratahs, replied: "HELL... Unless they repent their sins and turn to God."

A Rugby Australia spokesman told the Sydney Morning Herald that Folau's views "did not reflect the views" of the organisation.

The spokesman added: "We support all forms of inclusion whether it's sexuality, race or gender." Folau has won 62 caps for Australia but is out of contract at the end of the year.

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