
An image of Peter Crouch playing golf goes viral

The Stoke City and former-England striker, Peter Crouch, is a popular figure on social media and this latest photo has been enjoyed and shared by his many followers.


Peter Crouch has had a successful footballing career which included highlights of winning the FA Cup and reaching a Champions League final with Liverpool FC and picking up 42 England caps, in which he scored 22 goals. These days, still playing professionally for Stoke City in the Premier League, he has become a bit of a star of social media.


Crouch unable to crouch

Following interview comments such as answering a question about what he would be if he wasn't a professional footballer with "A virgin!", Crouch has had his followers chuckling with various posts including suggesting a photo of him with some giraffes was actually a family picture. The most recent one to go viral is one of him playing golf, a sport that he enjoys between his 'day-job'.

And it didn't take long for the responses to come flooding in...

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