Kovacic weighs up Madrid future with Juve lurking

The midfielder is reportedly waiting to see who the new coach will be and his potential role at the club before making a decision.

Emilio Cobos / Diario As

Real Madrid's Mateo Kovacic once again comes under the Juventus radar. The Serie A club attempted to sign the Croatian midfielder in the 2017 summer transfer window, offering 75 million euros to take him off Real Madrid's hands. However, the offer was rejected by Real, a decision backed by Zidane.    

Bit-part player

After Zidane's surprise departure from the club, Kovacic's future is once again up in the air and AS sources have been told that an immediate move away from Los Blancos is the most likely scenario, particularly if he is to remain a bit-part player. Kovacic sees himself as a regular starter, but last season in Real Madrid's crunch games he only started the first El Clásico - where he failed to convince - the return leg of the Champions League last 16 tie against PSG due to injuries to Modric and Kroos, and the second leg of the semi-final against Bayern in a tactical ploy by Zidane.

New coach

Therefore, before making a final decision the he is keen to see who is brought into the club as head coach and subsequently the role he would have among the squad. While this situation awaits its conclusion, Juventus remain on alert and have already contacted the player, but not the club. 



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