
Adam Peaty smashes 100m breaststroke world record

The Olympic champion knocked 0.13 seconds off the time he set in Rio in 2016 but narrowly missed out on his goal to go sub-57 over the distance.

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Adam Peaty smashed his own 100 metres breaststroke world record to win gold at the European Championships in Scotland.

The 23-year-old retained the title he won in London two years ago by clocking 57.00 seconds to finish ahead of Glasgow-born James Wilby.

Peaty's previous world record was 57.13secs - a time he achieved when winning Olympic gold at Rio 2016 - and he was just one hundredth of a second from achieving his long-held 'Project 56' goal of going sub-57secs.

The Briton has won every significant breaststroke title over 100m but was surprisingly beaten over 50m in the Commonwealth Games final earlier this year.

"Oh my god, I cannot believe that," Peaty told the BBC after his European Championships victory.

"Sometimes you've got to have a bad race to realise how much you love the sport and how much it means to you. I keep saying this, at the Commonwealths, I learned a big lesson - I was too tense, I just wasn't me.

"Going out there tonight, [coach]Mel [Marshall] just said, 'Enjoy it, you're ready.' I was not targeting a world record at all. It means I'm in good shape. It's about two years time in Tokyo."

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