Der Spiegel publishes agreement signed by Ronaldo and Kathryn Mayorga in 2010

The German magazine has published several documents, including what it claims are Ronaldo's answers to his lawyer's questionnaire.

German magazine Der Spiegel has published images of the secret agreement signed by Cristiano Ronaldo and Kathryn Mayorga on July 12, 2010 following an alleged rape incident that took place in Las Vegas in 2009. The agreement, signed by both parties, obligated Mayorga to remain silent about the incident in return for a payment of $375,000.


"There is no doubt about the authenticity of the document, since not even Ronaldo’s legal representatives raised any," stressed Der Spiegel, which published images of documents clearly showing the signatures of Ronaldo, Mayorga and the lawyers present.


In the document, the football star is referred to using the pseudonym 'Topher', which is also clarified by the lawyers in the document. The Portuguese also committed to giving the woman the results of a test for sexually transmitted diseases in order to reassure her.

The documents published by the German media also claim to reveal part of Ronaldo's answers to a questionnaire created by his lawyers. To the question: “Did Ms. C ever raise her voice, scream or yell?”, the footballer replied: “She said no and stop several times”, according to the information gathered by Der Spiegel. In a second version of that document, published three months later, the answers, according to Der Spiegel, were different: the relationship had been consensual and the woman had not said "no" or "stop".

The German magazine also published the police report that was filed hours after the alleged incident, in which it says the caller was crying and refused to give the name of the the alleged attacker, only saying that is was "a public figure" and "an athlete".


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