Roma & Pallotta donate 150,000 euros to Liverpool fan Sean Cox

James Pallotta, president of Roma, and the club have made a substantial donation to injured Liverpool Sean Cox.

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Roma and club president James Pallotta have made a combined 150,000-euro donation to a fund for Liverpool fan Sean Cox, who was attacked before last season's Champions League semi-final.

Cox was left in a coma and with life-changing injuries following the incident outside Anfield prior to the first leg last April and a fund was launched to help cover the costs of the 53-year-old father of three's rehabilitation.

Liverpool boss Jürgen Klopp and Everton defender Seamus Coleman are among those to have contributed already.

"What happened...should never happen to anyone attending a football match" 

On Thursday, Roma released a statement confirming the club will donate 100,000 euros through its Roma Cares foundation, with Pallotta to make a personal donation of 50,000 euros, while the club promised to work with Cox's family to support additional fundraising efforts.

"What happened to Sean Cox should never happen to anyone attending a football match," Pallotta said.

"Our thoughts today, as they have been from day one, are with Sean, Martina and their whole family. We all hope Sean makes as full a recovery as possible."

Cox's family "hugely appreciative" of Roma and Pallotta's donation

Cox's wife, Martina, added: "Our life has been turned upside down by what has happened to Sean.

"There is no sign of Sean being able to return home any time soon and even with extensive specialist rehabilitation efforts, which will take years, he will require care for the rest of his life.

"We are hugely appreciative of today's donation by AS Roma and Mr Pallotta, and more particularly by committing to meaningful assistance over the coming years with the struggle Sean is facing into."

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