Lucas Hernández begins his rehabilitation in Munich

The French player underwent surgery to repair the internal ligament in his right knee after completing his transfer from Atlético to Bayern for 80 million euros.


Lucas Hernández is on the mend in Munich after undergoing surgery to repair the internal ligament in his right knee - following his 80 million euro transfer from Atlético Madrid to Bayern, as the German giants met his buy-out fee. 

The France international left Atlético before the end of the season after both clubs reached an agreement for his transfer. Lucas brought forward his move to Germany as he required an operation to repair the damage he sustained to his knee during the capital derby meeting with Real Madrid - even though he had returned to training with the squad.

Recovery programme started

According to German daily Bild, Lucas has already started his rehabilitation programme and is getting his bearings in his new home under the supervision of club medical staff. In a picture published by the German newspaper, the player is shown walking with the aid of crutches while getting his first sightseeing views of Munich, his new home. 

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