Barcelona players not keen on Griezmann - Catalan media

The regional press had some surprising news for their readers on Saturday, with reports that the dressing room is not happy about the potential signing.


Catalan daily newspaper Sport headlined the spectacular: "The dressing room say NO to Griezmann" on Saturday morning. With the French striker confirming his departure from Atlético Madrid this summer, it seems that it may not be completely smooth sailing for the expected move.

Griezmann has irked Barça players

The headline is supported with some explanations, stating that many of the Barça players were unhappy about what transpired last year, and the Frenchman's behaviour, described as 'fickle'. The equivalent move appeared to be in place, and a documentary playing to conclude with the news that Griezmann would swap the colour of his stripes, only to change the cliffhanger at the last moment.

The feeling of 'betrayal' is added to with reports that Lionel Messi never made a call to the striker, and that they do not believe he is the player needed to help Barcelona move forward. As well as that 'it would be a bad message for the young players to sign someone who played cat and mouse with Barça.'

Mundo Deportivo and L'Esportiu, on the other hand, dedicate their cover to the Barça team of Lluís Cortés who play in their first final of the Champions League in Budapest against Olympique Lyon. In the end his side were well beaten, by four goals to one.

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