Megan Rapinoe is The Best

As Marta Vieira predicted, the United States women's national team captain, Megan Rapinoe is awarded the 2019 FIFA The Best after her successful year with the national team.

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Megan Rapinoe becomes the 2019 FIFA 'The Best' succeeding Marta as the new best player of the year after her outstanding year with the United States women's national team, ahead of teammate, Alex Morgan, and English Lucy Bronze, the other two finalists.

Rapinoe was in charge of leading the USWNT to their fourth world cup title in France besides helping the USA squad get their second consecutive championship.

Five of Megan Rapinoe's goals were decisive for the American squad to reach the final, and the victory, her experience, and leadership took the USA side into their second final in a row and back-to-back championships.

At the France world cup, the round of 16 game against Spain was the most complicated one for the American side, with Megan becoming the big hero as through her and two penalties, the US team reached quarterfinals. Rapinoe scored a double against France to get into semifinals and one of the goals against the Netherlands in the final.

Rapinoe' lifted the Golden Boot and the Gold Ball of the tournament, with the FIFA 'The Best' award being the cherry on top for an outstanding year of the American striker.

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