Sánchez may require surgery on ankle injury, Inter confirm

Inter have confirmed Alexis Sánchez has damaged a tendon in his left ankle while on duty with Chile and may now require surgery.

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Alexis Sánchez may require surgery after suffering an ankle tendon injury while on international duty with Chile, Inter have confirmed.

Chile coach Reinaldo Rueda had suggested Sánchez – who is on loan at Inter from Manchester United – could be set to miss "two to three months" after suffering an ankle injury in Saturday's friendly with Colombia.

Inter confirm Sánchez ankle dislocated

The forward had further tests upon his return to Milan, with the results of those examinations confirming Sánchez has dislocated his ankle.

"Sánchez underwent medical tests earlier this morning at the Humanitas Institute in Rozzano," read a statement from Inter. 

"Results revealed a joint dislocation in his left ankle which has caused damage to the peroneus longus tendon."

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Sánchez will now travel to Barcelona for consultations with professor Ramon Cugat, who has often treated injured Manchester City players, including Benjamin Mendy and Kevin De Bruyne, to determine whether an operation will be required.

Former Arsenal star Sánchez has made four appearances for Antonio Conte's side this term, scoring one goal in Serie A, though he was sent off later in that match against Sampdoria.

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