Iker Casillas delights fans with treadmill workout photograph

The Porto goalkeeper posted a photo on social media of himself working up a sweat in the gym. He says he will wait until March to make a decision on his future.


Iker Casillas posted a photograph on social media last night of himself working out in the gym and within 20 minutes it had already gained 20,000 'likes' on Instagram. The Porto goalkeeper, decked out in his club training gear, appeared on a treadmill. He accompanied the photo with a caption: "Work in progress" - evidence that his recovery is closer than ever.

At the end of September, Casillas said that he will wait until March to see how he is progressing with his recovery from a heart problem before making a decision on whether he will return to playing or hang up his gloves for good. In the meantime, the keeper has been posting the results of his medical tests on social media to keep his followers up to date with his recovery programme.

The 38-year-old is in no hurry to return to playing an official game following the heart attack scare he suffered back on 26 April.

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