Global media reaction to Gareth Bale's ignorance about Boris Johnson and Brexit

Bale's comments about not keeping up to date with the news and current affairs surprised many: "I don’t even know who the prime minister is anymore. I haven’t got a clue".


The world's media reacted with surprise at Gareth Bale's comments to The Telegraph in which he admitted that he has no interest in keeping informed about what is going on back home in Britain and that he is so out of touch, that he couldn't even name the Prime Minister...  "I don’t even know who the Prime Minister is anymore. I haven’t got a clue. "Boris Johnson? Well, there you go. I didn’t know that. I thought he was the mayor?"

The Real Madrid forward, who has been training apart from the rest of the squad he recovers from a calf muscle injury,  added that he is quite happy living inside his own little bubble with his family and close-knit circle of friends and that even though he has his own official Twitter account, he generally keeps away from social media. ""It’s insane. We have to look after ourselves because I don’t want my daughter stumbling across something from someone she’s never met. The same with my wife and me," he explained. "I don’t have anything on my phone, so unless my friends send me something or my agents tell me something I need to know, I don’t pay attention. I don’t see the need to".    

As for his views on Brexit, Bale was equally as indifferent although to give him some credit, many people are on the ball to what is happening in parliament: "I look in terms of stuff financially, because it affects me in a certain way for investments or money, because things change, but I don’t read most of the nonsense [...] I genuinely don’t know 99 per cent of Brexit".                                   

Wales Online: "Gareth Bale admits that he doesn't know how the Prime Minister is. The Real Madrid star has gained something of a reputation in Spain for an introvert who spends more time on the golf course than with his team-mates, with goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois nicknaming him 'the golfer'". 

A Bola: "Brexit? I don't even know how the Prime Minister is. Bale has been widely criticised for his disinterest in adapting to Spanish culture".

TVN24 Sport: "Gareth Bale gave an interview to The Telegraph, in which he spoke about his passion for golf,  his retirement plans, and also his ignorance about current affairs".

El País: "Gareth Bale revealed that he longer has the ame drive and ambition for football that he had as a teenager at the start of his career". 

La Vanguardia: "Gareth Bale doesn't use social media, no sabe quién es el primer ministro británico y apenas le interesa lo que ocurra con el "brexit". Vive en una burbuja, la burbuja de la indiferencia, desde donde disfruta del golf y de su familia", titulan en un medio turco. 

Esport3: "Surreal remarks by Real Madrid player Gareth Bale in The Telegraph". 

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