Real Madrid: "Football is no longer a priority for Bale" - Capello

The former Real Madrid coach was the latest figure in football to give his opinion on Bale's situation this season and his overall attitude to football.


Fabio Capello has become the latest figure in football to criticise Gareth Bale. The former Real Madrid coach gave his opinion on Welshamn's attitude and the situation he finds himself in at Real Madrid. 

No longer a priority

"My impression that football is no longer a priority in life. Bale seems to me a distracted player - I like him a lot, he's strong and fast, perfect for modern football. If you want to be a champion today, though, you have to be 100 per cent attentive and focused only on your sporting life," Capello told the Daily Mail.

Real Madrid vs Manchester City

The Italian coach also went on to talk about Real Madrid's Champions League tie against Guardiola's Manchester City

"It will be a super game, very hard fought," he said. "Manchester City have not chosen to focus on the Champions League by neglecting the Premier League - it is simply not going very well in England at the moment. It's disappointing and the results say it. They were my favorite team for how they ended up winning the Premier League in the 2019-20 season. I didn't think (Jurgen) Klopp could put so much distance between Liverpool and Guardiola,' Capello concluded. 

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