Suárez on Clásico: If we win it will be a major blow to Real Madrid

The Barcelona striker has given an interview to RAC1, in which he spoke about his injury, contract renewal prospects and Sunday's Clásico against Real Madrid.


Luis Suárez is looking forward to getting back playing as soon as possible and hopes to renew his contract with Barcelona.

The Uruguayan striker underwent an operation in January to correct a knee issue that has been bothering him for years.

In an interview with RAC1, Suárez said he “was used to playing with pain. I dragged on with discomfort for years and because of that I was putting pressure on other areas of the knee.

“I know that I am criticized for my operations and my discomfort, but I am strong in the face of these comments and what I will try is to do is come back sooner than what is being said.”

Before his decision to have the operation, Barcelona estimated a recovery period of four to six weeks and expected him to be available for the business end of the season and return on time for the Champions League clash with Napoli on February 25. But following the surgery, it was confirmed that he would miss four to six months.

Albert GeaReuters

Suarez on Barcelona contract extension

In the interview, Suárez also talks about his future and revealed he is happy to renew his Barcelona contract, which expires at the end of next season

“My family is very happy in Barcelona and I still feel useful to the team. The decision to renew must be taken by the club. By my part, I want to continue, but it isn’t up to me. But if I play 60% of the matches next year, they will renew automatically,” he said.

Looking ahead to the Clásico on Sunday, the Uruguayan international is hopeful, saying: "if we win it will be a major blow [to Real Madrid].” Leaders Barcelona would go five points ahead of Madrid if they manage to win at the Bernabéu this weekend.

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