
Coronavirus: total UK cases and deaths, real-time map

Updates on the total number of registered Covid-19 cases, deaths and discharged patients, both in the United Kingdom and worldwide.

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Confirmed UK coronavirus cases

As of 02:40 BST (03:40 CEST) on Thursday 9 April, there had been 61,474 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the UK, with 7,111 deaths in total. A total of 345 individuals have officially recovered from Covid-19.

Worldwide real-time coronavirus map

Click here if the map doesn't automatically appear. (Map created and hosted by Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering, our thanks to them)

Worldwide coronavirus cases

The total number of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide at the above time stood at 1,513,358. In total, 88,415 people have died from Covid-19, while 329,329 have recovered from the disease.

See also:

British PM Boris Johnson remains in intensive care

CDC face masks: how to make, use and other instructions

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