
Coronavirus: how to calculate unemployment benefits by state

The recent numbers showing the millions of Americans making jobless claims have blown previous records out of the water. Work out how much you're due.


Thursday saw a further 6.6 million Americans lose their jobs, taking the total over the past three weeks to a painful 16 million people out of work (read the full story). These figures are on a different scale to anything seen before and there is understandably much concern about what the coming weeks and months hold, but help is at hand.

Unemployment benefit calculator USA

With bars, restaurants, factories, stores, leisure centres and almost everything imaginable coming to a standstill as part of the measures to slow the rapid spread of Covid-19, the millions of people that now find themselves without their usual pay checks. The federal government has provided some aid for those people under the CARES Act and this will see them receive an extra $600 per week until 31 July, or if they find employment in the meantime.

Many newly laid off workers will be keen to understand just how much benefit they will be entitled to. Thanks to the people at, there is a handy tool to determine the value based your annual salary, what state you live in and how many children you have.

-- Click here to calculate your benefits --

As well as the calculator, you can read more about the complexities of how unemployment laws vary from state to state and see graphics given an idea of how the benefit is paid across the country. There is also guidance on how caps can be applied in each state.

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