Coronavirus | USA

Texas lockdown: when do hair salons, barbershops and gyms reopen?

Texas Governor Gregg Abbot outlined some of the key dates for certain businesses to reopen in the Lone Star State.


Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott outlined his schedule for reopening hair salons, barber shops and nail parlors this Friday with fitness clubs and office buildings on May 18, subject to occupancy restrictions and workplace social-distancing.

He also recommended individuals 65 and over, as well as people with chronic health conditions, largely remain at home.

Widespread relaxation of social-distancing measures was a key factor cited by an influential coronavirus mortality model on Monday in predicting nearly 135,000 Americans would die from COVID-19 by early August, almost double previous projections.

The research model from the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation has become a closely watched data point often cited by the White House and public health authorities in gauging the coronavirus crisis.

The Covid-19 virus has already infected more than 1.2 million people in the United States with at least 70,000 Americans having died from coronavirus.

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