Casillas' candidacy in hibernation


From time to time, someone will ask me about Iker Casillas’ candidacy for the role of President of the Spanish Football Federation. I reply that it is in hibernation because of the coronavirus. Hibernating to the point that Rubiales and those within other footballing circles assume he will not present himself for the role. There is no date and not even an approximation given but the most possible outcome is there will be no elections. This time has served to let Casillas cool on his ambitions. Confined, like the rest of the world, Casillas has not been able to carry out the plan he had drawn up: visit the regional presidents and distinct sectors who vote in the assembly. Along with that, he has seen things develop that have changed his perspective and they are not in his favour.

First of all, there’s the David Aganzo issue. The president of the Player’s Union supported Casillas but now the union (the AFE) is not sure where it stands with an internal war going on. Aganzo has stood firm with calls for him to resign but his position is not very strong. Nobody is sure where this will end. There is also Rubiales’ fortified position too. Irene Lozano (Spain’s secretary for sport) has backed Rubiales in the Viana Pact with Javier Tebas. The message is clear that if you give us money, there will be games as the row over Monday night football continues.

Casillas was running with an idealistic dream: to do something for football, which has given him so much. He was not aware that it is a harsh environment filled with some questionable regional presidents. It is a turbulent world filled with tension and incidents every week. That's without mentioning a complicated economic framework that is never easy to manage. If he is considering his position, it's a wise move. This adventure could only finish with cold feet and a hot head. His silence doesn’t surprise me at this time, which already sounds like he is resigned to removing himself from the picture. Football will have another place for him, maybe further down the line…

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