
Coronavirus New York: is it safe to go shopping, dine in during Phase 2?

New York City started Phase 2 of its reopening on Monday after Gov. Andrew Cuomo gave the green light, but is it safe to go shopping or dine in at restaurants?

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New York City entered Phase 2 of the state’s reopening process on Monday and it is estimated that another 150,000 - 300,000 residents will be heading back to work this week amid the coronavirus pandemic. The Empire State was the epicenter of the pandemic, which is why it took longer for the economy to resume.

According to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, all establishments must follow social-distancing rules and employees and customers have to wear face coverings when they are within six feet apart. If establishments fail to follow the rules under the Covid-19 outbreak, they will have to close until further notice.

The mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, said that tables can be set up in existing patios or backyards, on sidewalks or in curb lanes. The sidewalks will be available through October and establishments with a valid liquor license can serve alcohol. For now, restaurants and shopping stores can only open at 25% capacity and starting July, there will be additional seating in the city’s open streets.

Experts say it is safer to go out now than during the peak of the outbreak

While New York has been very cautious about lifting the stay-at-home rule to prevent the Covid-19 virus from spreading, as the city moves to Phase 2 of reopening, health experts say that it is safer now to go out than it was a few months ago.

The reason is that now people are more aware of the virus and have a better understanding of the coronavirus. Also it is proven that wearing a face mask or a face covering can drastically help lower or prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Health experts added that people are respecting social distancing but they recommend that if you don’t have to go to a restaurant or a shopping center, then you should just stay at home to be safe. As the economy reopens, the goal is not to have a second wave.

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