Five Nashville SC players test positive for Covid-19

Nashville is the third team from MLS that has reported players testing positive for the coronavirus just days from the beginning of the MLS is back Tournament.

Estados UnidosUpdate:

FC Dallas have reported positive cases of coronavirus prior to the beginning of the MLS is Back tournament set to start on Wednesday 8 July. And just days from the start of the tournament, another team has reported players testing positive for Covid-19.

Nashville quintet test positive for Covid-19 on arrival in Orlando

Nashville SC has five players who tested positive upon arriving in the Orlando bubble, according to The Athletic. One of the players has tested positive again and four are waiting to receive the results from a second test for confirmation.

Nashville trip to Orlando delayed by positive test

The club declined to comment on the report. The Covid-19 results would be the second setback for Nashville, after The Athletic reported on Wednesday that a Nashville player tested positive Tuesday, delaying the club's travel to Orlando scheduled for the following day.

The club was delayed once more on Thursday evening, as results of retesting were not fully received. The club was able to travel to Orlando on Friday and was tested immediately. Nashville has not participated in physical activity since Tuesday. Its match against Chicago Fire is still scheduled for 9:30 p.m. CDT on Wednesday. It will be Nashville's first match since 8 March.

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