USA coronavirus live: Trump, stimulus checks, cases, deaths, updates today


USA coronavirus / Trump updates live: 14 October

Trump, coronavirus latest: headlines

- Trump and Biden to host simultaneous town hall events

- First US covid-19 reinfection case reported in Nevada

- Pelosi: “Significant changes must be made" to Trump's stimulus proposal

US covid-19 latest: 14:00 PT / 17:00 ET on Wednesday 14 October  (23:00 CEST)

Latest figures published by Johns Hopkins University.


Cases: 38,344,196
Deaths: 1,088,979
Recoveries: 26,537,821


Cases: 7,895,758
Deaths: 216,469
Recoveries: 3,124,593

Related coronavirus articles that may be of interest:

Clark County Election Department worker Kelley George puts mail-in ballots collected from vehicles in a ballot box at the Clark County Election Department, which serves as a drive-up and walk-up election ballot drop-off point on October 13, 2020 in North Las Vegas, Nevada. In-person early voting in the battleground state begins on October 17, but voters can drop off mail-in ballots at designated drop boxes or use the mail through election day. Ethan Miller/Getty Images/AFP


Unemployment benefits in Florida: where and how to check your status and claim payments

The economic fall-out of covid-19 has left millions of Floridians needing financial relief, but how do you know if you are eligible for state support?

Trump speaks at the White House

Donald Trump has spoken at the White House, pledging his administration would continue to fight the coronavirus pandemic should he remain in power after the 3 November election.

We will continue our V-shaped recovery and launch a record-smashing economic boom," he said. "We will end the pandemic with a safe and effective vaccine and create 10 million jobs in the first 10 months in 2021."

Trump's pledge comes as polls show him trailing heavily behind Democratic candidate Joe Biden. Many of those surveyed have cited Trump's poor handling of the pandemic. 


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Mnuchin says coronavirus relief deal unlikely before US election

US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on Wednesday said he and House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi were "far apart" on some details of another coronavirus relief package, and that an agreement would be hard to reach before the 3 Novemebr election. 

The White House as well as Democrats and Republicans in Congress are under mounting pressure to hammer out a bipartisan fiscal stimulus deal to help Americans weather a pandemic that has killed nearly 216,000 people and damaged the economy. But the two sides are divided over several priorities. 

Meanwhile Senate Republicans are resisting as too expensive a $1.8 trillion offer that Mnuchin proposed last week. Pelosi says it's insufficient and is calling for a $2.2 trillion aid package. Mnuchin, who spoke with the California Democrat on Wednesday, acknowledged the two were still "far apart" on some issues and said politics were "part of the reality." 

"I'd say at this point, getting something done before the election and executing on that would be difficult just given where we are and the level of detail, but we're going to try to continue to work through these issues," Mnuchin said at the Milken Institute Global Conference in Washington. (Reuters)

Herd immunity is "mass murder", expert says

William Haseltine, Chair and President of ACCESS Health International, said that he is "extremely concerned that the President is being advised by people who speak of herd immunity."

“Herd immunity is another word for mass murder. That is exactly what it is," Haseltine said on CNN’s “New Day” on Wednesday.

Kids may not be recommended for covid-19 vaccination initially, US CDC says

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Wednesday that covid-19 vaccines may not be initially recommended for children, when they become available. Children, who rarely have severe covid-19 symptoms, have not yet been tested for any experimental coronavirus vaccine.

The CDC said so far early clinical trials have only included non-pregnant adults, noting the recommended groups could change in the future as clinical trials expand to recruit more people. Pfizer Inc has said it will enroll children, who are capable of passing on the virus to high-risk groups, as young as 12 in its large, late-stage covid-19 vaccine trial, while AstraZeneca has said a sub-group of patients in a large trial will test children between five to 12.

There is no vaccine for covid-19 yet, but a handful of companies such as Pfizer and Moderna Inc are in final-stage trials of their experimental vaccines. The CDC also said on Wednesday that any coronavirus vaccine would, at least at first, be used under the Food and Drug Administration's emergency use authorization, and that there could be a limited supply of vaccines before the end of 2020. (Reuters)

In case of limited supply, some groups may be recommended to get a covid-19 vaccine first, the CDC said. Coronavirus vaccines should be rolled out in four phases, with initial supply going to front-line health workers and first responders, an independent expert panel tapped by top U.S. health officials recommended earlier this month.

China's pandemics response "a magic recipe" - says top Standard Chartered CEO

The CEO of British bank Standard Chartered, Bill Winters, has praised China's coronavirus response as the nation returns to economic growth quicker than expected. 

Winters told CNBC that China appears to have found the “magic recipe” with its response to the vius. 

“Certainly, first and foremost, it is getting on top of the virus and getting people back into a more normal pattern of work, but the social safety net was also extraordinary,” he said.

“I think the combination of the policies that have been in place across the world, to the extent possible — which were extensive monetary easing and fiscal stimulus — together with a very strong safety net that kept people in their jobs, and obviously containment of the virus, that seems to have been the magic recipe"


WHO fears spike in global COVID-19 cases will be followed by increased deaths

The World Health Organization's (WHO) chief scientist on Wednesday raised concern that the recent global increase in new covid-19 infections will be followed by rising deaths that currently number around 5,000 every day.

Cases are surging, with nearly 20,000 infections reported in Britain and Italy, Switzerland and Russia among nations reporting record new cases. More than 38 million people have been reported to be infected by the novel coronavirus globally and nearly 1.1 million have died, according to a Reuters tally.

"Mortality increases always lag behind increasing cases by a couple of weeks," Dr. Soumya Swaminathan said during a WHO social media event. "We are still losing approximately 5,000 people a we shouldn't be complacent that death rates are coming down."

Damning report on US death rate

"It's shocking. It's horrible," says Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel, a professor of health policy and medical ethics at the University of Pennsylvania and one of the authors of the study.

"The United States really has done remarkably badly compared to other countries," he says and then adds, "I mean, remarkably badly."


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Demi Lovato pens song to Trump

The 28-year-old singer (who will be performing later today at the 2020 Billboard Music Awards) vented her own fury at the current president by writing a special song for him. Including a focus on the handling - and care levels - of Trump when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic.

“Do you even know the truth?

We’re in a state of crisis, people are dyin’

While you line your pockets deep

Commander in Chief, how does it feel to still

Be able to breathe?”

Check out the full song 


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Donald Trump to host town hall at same time as Joe Biden

Coronavirus queries from Philly to Miami

After covid-19 forced a change of format for presidential debate number two, Donald Trump refused to go along with it. At that point, his rival Joe Biden decided to let the voters of Philadelphia quiz him over his plans for the future of America.

Today NBC News announced that Trump would hold his own town hall with voters in Miami. And totally by accident, and not in any way to steal TV coverage from Biden, it is scheduled for exactly the same time.

IMF says US has room for more stimulus, would aid long-term growth

The United States has room to provide further fiscal support to its economy, which would have a positive impact on its long-term growth prospects, International Monetary Fund Fiscal Affairs Director Vitor Gaspar said on Wednesday, via Reuters.

'A restoration of growth is a very important favorable condition to tackle the high public debt level,' Gaspar told a news conference during IMF and World Bank annual meetings.

“So, can I ask you to do me a favour, suburban women, will you please like me?

"Please. Please. I saved your damn neighbourhood, OK?”

Donald Trump, POTUS

Florida voters to quiz President Trump

President Donald Trump will take part in an NBC News town hall event in Miami on Thursday, the network announced on Wednesday.

The town hall, moderated by "TODAY" anchor Savannah Guthrie, will take place on the same evening — and at the same time — that Joe Biden is doing his own town hall in Philadelphia on ABC News at 8:00 p.m. ET.

Trump and Biden were supposed to hold their second debate on Thursday night but it will instead take place on 22 October. Trump pulled out of the Thursday debate after organisers announced it was going to be conducted virtually.


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Bill Gates not impressed with US covid response

Without mentioning Trump, Gates said that unlike the US, many countries have “done very, very well” using the behavioral tools available to help blunt the spread of the coronavirus. The founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which works to tackle complex global health challenges, said it has nothing to do with politics.

“That’s a purely technical thing, not a political thing. Most governments take advantage of their scientists and listen to them. They don’t undermine them and attack them,” he said. “Mask compliance in the United States is quite poor. And yet the cost of the mask and the productivity lost from [not wearing] the mask, it’s quite an intervention.”

Full interview below:


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A glance across the pond

Despite much of the current administrations efforts to break off US relationships around the world, it is often worth people being aware of how the pandemic is affecting other nations. And this Reuters summary doesn't make for any better reading...

European countries have begun to close schools and cancel surgeries, going well beyond curbs on social life, as overwhelmed authorities face their nightmare scenario of a covid-19 resurgence right before the onset of winter. Most European nations eased lockdowns over the summer to start reviving economies already heading for unprecedented downturns and job losses from the pandemic's first wave. But the return of normal activity - from packed restaurants to new university terms - fuelled a sharply-rising spike in cases all over the continent. Bars and pubs were among the first to shut or face earlier closing in the new lockdowns, but now the surging infection rates are also testing governments' resolve to keep schools open and non-covid medical care going.

The Czech Republic, which has Europe's worst rate per capita, has shifted schools to distance learning and hospitals started cutting non-urgent medical procedures to free up beds. Bars, restaurants and clubs have shut. 'Sometimes we are at the edge of crying, that happens quite often now,' said Lenka Krejcova, a head nurse at Slany hospital northwest of Prague, as builders sped through the hospital's corridors to turn a general ward into a covid-19 department.

Moscow authorities said on Wednesday they would introduce online learning for many students starting on Monday, while Northern Ireland announced a two-week schools' closure.

Major European economies of Germany, Britain and France have so far resisted pressure to close schools, a move that during the spring lockdowns created hardship across the workforce, with parents struggling to juggle child care and work from home.

Indian farmer dies after refusing to eat over Trump diagnosis

An Indian farmer who worshipped Donald Trump as his god has died after he stopped eating following the US president's diagnosis with covid-19.

Bussa Krishna died of a cardiac arrest on Sunday, his family said, per the New York Times.

Krishna, who prayed before a life-size model of Trump every day, had told a Facebook post after the president tested positive: "I feel very sad that my god, Trump, has contracted the coronavirus. I ask everyone to pray for his speedy recovery."

He sank into a deep depression over the news, the Times' report adds.


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Nevada voters drop off US election ballots

Voters in Las Vegas, Nevada, arrive at the Clark County Election Department, which serves as a drive-up and walk-up drop-off point for ballots in the 2020 US elections.

In-person early voting in the battleground state begins on 17 October, but voters can submit postal ballots at designated drop boxes or use the mail through election day.

Earlier this year, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak signed a bill mandating that all registered voters in the state receive a mail-in ballot for the first time to help keep people safe from covid-19.

(Photo: Ethan Miller/Getty Images/AFP)

Coronavirus stimulus checks

Second stimulus check: update on US coronavirus relief bill

US coronavirus relief bill: progress update

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has branded President Trump's latest coronavirus relief offer as "insufficient", while Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is aiming to get a new bill to the Senate next week.

Full story:

Doctors leaving US over covid-19 response

Amid frustration at the response to the coronavirus in the US and concern over their own safety, some American doctors are jumping at the chance to move to New Zealand.

One such doctor, Judy Melinek, told NRP that she made the most of an opportunity to relocate to Wellington City from Alameda County, California, after her warnings over a lack of personal protective equipment fell on deaf ears.

Melinek added that in New Zealand, whose prime minister Jacinda Ardern has earned praise for her handling of the pandemic, there is “a lot more respect for the government and for science”

America will suffer an exodus of professionals to other countries that have responded better,” she concluded.

As of Wednesday morning ET, New Zealand had reported just 1,874 coronavirus cases since the pandemic began, leading to 25 deaths.


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Global covid-19 cases surpass 38 million mark

The coronavirus pandemic hit another grim milestone on Tuesday evening as the total number of covid-19 cases surpassed 38 million. The number of positive cases has been rising with almost 1.5 million new infections being reported during the past week.


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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday the U.S. Senate will vote on a targeted coronavirus relief bill, including new funding for the Paycheck Protection Program, when lawmakers return to the Capitol next week.


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U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday the coronavirus aid package the Senate will take up next week will be “roughly” $500 billion.


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U.S. drug inspectors uncovered serious quality control problems at an Eli Lilly and Co pharmaceutical plant that is ramping up to manufacture one of two promising covid-19 drugs touted by President Trump as “a cure” for the disease, according to government documents and three sources familiar with the matter.


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Countries straining to contain a second wave of covid-19 are turning to faster, cheaper but less accurate tests to avoid the delays and shortages that have plagued efforts to diagnose and trace those infected quickly.


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Wall Street lost ground on Tuesday, with halted covid-19 vaccine trials and an elusive U.S. stimulus agreement weighing on sentiment as third quarter earnings season got underway.


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 The U.S. government has entered an agreement with life sciences company Cytiva, a unit of Danaher Corp, to expand the manufacturing of products needed to make covid-19 vaccines, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said on Tuesday.


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The World Bank said its executive board approved on Tuesday $12 billion in new funding for developing countries to finance the purchase and distribution of covid-19 vaccines, tests and treatments for their citizens.


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Biden vies for senior vote in Florida as Trump heads for Pennsylvania

Furiously battling for Florida's older voters, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden returned to the state on Tuesday, telling a crowd of seniors that President Donald Trump views them as "expendable" and "forgettable."

Biden's visit to the battleground state came a day after Trump, a Republican, made his own trip to Florida - his first campaign trip outside Washington since his covid-19 diagnosis.

Speaking to about 50 people at a community center in Broward County in South Florida, Biden said Trump had recklessly dismissed the threat the virus had posed to their at-risk population.

"To Donald Trump, you’re expendable. You’re forgettable. You’re virtually nobody. That’s how he sees seniors. That’s how he sees you," Biden said.

Trump has touted his management of the coronavirus pandemic.

A Biden win over Trump in Florida would seriously jeopardize the president's chances for re-election, and most recent opinion polls show the Democrat ahead with key demographic groups in the state, particularly seniors. Trump won Florida in 2016 by 1.2 percentage points.

FDA faults quality control at Lilly plant making Trump-touted covid-19 drug

US drug inspectors uncovered serious quality control problems at an Eli Lilly and Co pharmaceutical plant that is ramping up to manufacture one of two promising covid-19 drugs touted by President Trump as “a cure” for the disease, according to government documents and three sources familiar with the matter.

The Lilly antibody therapy, which is experimental and not yet approved by regulators as safe and effective, is similar to a drug from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals that was given to the president during his bout with covid-19.

Trump, who credits the Regeneron drug with speeding his recovery, has called for both therapies to become available immediately on an emergency basis, raising expectations among some scientists and policy experts that the administration will imminently release an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the drug.

The president’s push is key to his efforts to convince voters he has an answer to the pandemic that has killed more than 215,000 Americans.

But the findings by the US Food and Drug Administration inspectors at the Lilly manufacturing facility, which have not been disclosed previously, could complicate the drugmaker’s bid for a so-called emergency use authorization (EUA) from the federal agency, two of the sources and two outside legal experts told Reuters.

That’s because US law generally requires compliance with manufacturing standards for authorization of a drug.

First confirmed case of coronavirus re-infection in US

A 25-year-old man in Nevada is the first person confirmed to have been infected with coronavirus twice in the US, a new study reveals.

"The second infection was symptomatically more severe than the first," write the authors of the study.

They said the man had no history of "clinically significant underlying conditions, and no indications of compromised immunity were identified."


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Pelosi: “Significant changes must be made" to Trump's stimulus proposal

In a letter to house Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has outlined a series a major differences between Democrats and the Trump Administration in relation to stimulus negotiations - higlighting that the two sides are still very far from an agreement. 

Significant changes must be made to remedy the Trump proposal’s deficiencies,” Pelosi wrote after the White House unveiled a new coronavirus bill worth $1.8 trillion.

Trump takes bid to shield his tax returns back to US Supreme Court

(Reuters) On Tuesday, President Donald Trump asked the US Supreme Court to freeze a lower court's ruling allowing a prosecutor in New York City to enforce a subpoena seeking Trump's tax returns and other financial records for a criminal probe into him and his businesses. Trump's personal lawyers sought to put on hold a federal judge's decision that rejected the Republican president's claims that the subpoena was overly broad and amounted to political harassment by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, a Democrat.

The Supreme Court already has ruled once in the dispute, rejecting in July Trump's argument that he was immune from criminal probes as a sitting president. Trump's team said a temporary stay would allow him 'a fair chance to develop' his arguments against the subpoena. A spokesman for Vance declined to comment.

Vance's probe, which began more than two years ago, had focused on hush money payments that the president's former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen paid before the 2016 election to two women - an adult-film star and a former Playboy model - who said they had sexual encounters with Trump. The district attorney has suggested in recent court filings that the probe is now broader and could focus on potential bank, tax and insurance fraud, as well as falsification of business records. 

The New York Times reported on Sept. 28 that Trump had paid $750 in federal income taxes in both 2016 and 2017, and no income taxes in 10 of the prior 15 years, reflecting chronic business losses that he used to avoid paying taxes. Trump has disputed the Times report. Trump, seeking re-election on Nov. 3, has refused to make his tax returns public, unlike his six immediate predecessors occupying the White House.

CDC reports 214,446 deaths from coronavirus

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Tuesday reported 7,787,548 cases of coronavirus, an increase of 46,614 from its previous count, and said that the number of deaths had risen by 338 to 214,446. The CDC reported its tally of cases of the respiratory illness known as covid-19, caused by a new coronavirus, as of 4 pm ET on 12 October versus its previous report a day earlier. The CDC figures do not necessarily reflect cases reported by individual states.

Global economy's recovery hinges on stimulus and covid-19 battle

Global finance leaders say that the world economy had escaped a coronavirus-triggered collapse so far, but warned that failure to conquer the pandemic, maintain stimulus and tackle mounting debt among poor nations could crush a fragile recovery. At the start of the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, the IMF issued slightly improved growth forecasts spurred by unexpectedly stronger rebounds from coronavirus lockdowns in the wealthiest countries and China.

The IMF said it now expected global gross domestic product to shrink 4.4% in 2020, compared to the 5.2% contraction it predicted in June, when business closures were at their peak. Some $12 trillion in stimulus supplied largely by advanced economies limited the damage, but poor countries and other emerging market economies faced a worsening picture, the global lender said. "The story is less dire than we thought three months ago, but dire nonetheless," IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said during a panel discussion that was held virtually.

Georgieva said governments needed to stay focused on their healthcare responses to coronavirus and must not withdraw stimulus prematurely. "If we cut these lifelines that have been extended to families and businesses before we are out of the health crisis, this could be catastrophic in terms of bankruptcies, unemployment and undoing all that has been done so far," she added.

Coronavirus live US updates: welcome

Hello and welcome to our live, US-focused coverage of the coronavirus pandemic, which has registered nearly 38 million cases and over 1.08 million deaths worldwide.

In the US, the world's worst-affected country, there have been more than 7.8 million confirmed cases, leading to approximately 215,000 fatalities.