Casillas makes fun of Piqué's new, boyish, fresh-faced look

The Barcelona defender has gone for a new look, shaving off his beard, much to the mirth of team mates, fellow players and friends.

Gerard Piqué always gives us something to talk about on social media, usually for his comments, but this time it's his new look that has amused his followers. The Barcelona defender shared a photograph of his new clean-shaven appearance which instantly got a reaction from team mates and friends - among them, Iker Casillas who used the opportunity to get his own back, mocking the Culé with some online banter.

Piqué, beard-free

"Younger" was how Gerard Piqué captioned a recent self-portrait sans his usual beard. It seems the Barcelona defender has grown a little tired of the hirsute look and opted to do away with his facial hair in time for the start of the new season.


Piqué's fresh-faced, boyish appearance caught the attention Iker Casillas, who is currently on holiday in Mexico -  the former keeper couldn't help mocking his old friend "Mounguer" - all in light-hearted fun. Followers of both joined in with the banter. Boateng, Marc Bartra and other colleagues found the Barça defender's new look hilarious while others, like David De Gea pointed out he looked much more youthful after a shave.

"You look about 15..." was one of the messages from an anonymous follower; Riqui Puig noted that his team mates looked "years younger". Both players met up after training to attend Spanish magician Mago Pop's show at Teatro Vitoria in Barcelona.

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