Cowboys QB Prescott applauds reduction of Jones’ death sentence

Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott has expressed gratitude for the commutation of death row inmate Julius Jones’ sentence to life imprisonment.

Tim HeitmanUSA TODAY Sports

Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott has applauded the decision of Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt to grant clemency to death row inmate Julius Jones and commute his sentence to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Stitt commuted the sentence just hours before Jones was set to be executed.

In a statement, the governor said, “After prayerful consideration and reviewing materials presented by all sides of this case, I have determined to commute Julius Jones’ sentence to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.”

'Don't let him die'

“I’m thankful for the governor to grant his clemency first and foremost,” said Prescott. “I know there’s a lot of people that are supporting Julius and supporting the governor’s decision in which he made, and we’re all very, very thankful for not taking an innocent man’s life.”

Prescott wrote the governor’s office and parole board last year, according to Time. “An evaluation of the process that led to Mr. Jones’ conviction raises serious legal and ethical concerns,” he wrote. “I implore you to right this wrong. Please don’t let another innocent black man die from the systemic mistreatment that has plagued our nation for far too long.”

Athletes for Julius Jones

Prescott was among several sports figures who had advocated for Jones. Cleveland Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield, who played college football for Oklahoma, also supported the prisoner’s cause.

The 26-year-old wrote an open letter last year, saying, “I care deeply for the people of Oklahoma, and that is why I am eagerly writing in support of Julius Jones, a young man I believe has been wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to death.”

Other athletes who had called for the governor to spare the death row inmate’s life included NBA players Russell Westbrook, Buddy Hield, Trae Young, and Blake Griffin.

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The case of Jones became widely publicized after it was featured in a documentary produced by actress Viola Davis in 2018.

Jones was convicted of the murder of businessman Paul Howell who was shot to death during a carjacking in 1999. The 41-year-old has insisted for more than 20 year that he was innocent, and that he was framed for the crime.

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