What is Joe Burrow's net worth?

While it's safe to assume that professional athletes make a lot of money, the details of Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow's net worth may surprise you.


The Bengals' QB has been instrumental in guiding his team to the AFC Championship Game. Here we take a look at who he is and how his on field success has impacted his off field life, as we examine his net worth.

Who is Joe Burrows?

Born in Ames, Iowa, in December of 1996, Burrow had football in his blood. His father was Jim Burrow, a former Canadian Football League defensive back who incidentally played for the Packers briefly back in 1976. Following his career as a defensive back in Canada, Jim Burrow started his coaching career and from 1981 to 2018 found himself in a number of positions most notably at the universities of Nebraska, Ohio, and North Dakota State. With this a back drop, a young Joe Burrow was in and around the game constantly. Finally starting his career in 2011 at Athens High School where he would eventually achieve an immense playing record. Interestingly, the school renamed their stadium in his honor in 2019.

Once high school was over, Burrow committed to Ohio State, however, his time there could be considered average in that he largely spent time as a backup to J.T. Barrett. Eventually he would change to Louisiana State University where he would get his chance as a starter. It was during his two years at LSU that Burrow definitely announced himself to the football fraternity culminating in him being selected as the No. 1 pick in the 2020 draft. In his time as a Tiger, Burrow led his team to a 15-0 record including a win in the National Championship Game.It should be said there were also individual honors as well, such as the Heisman Trophy, Lombardi Award, and the Manning Award to name a few, which brings us to the start of his NFL career. Selected first by the Bengals, Burrow was actually the only rookie to play in Week 1. Burrow's rookie season would come to a premature end in Week 11 when he tore his ACL against the Washington Football Team. That, however, is now clearly a memory as he has led the Bengals to a 10-6 record this season finally arriving in the AFC Championship Game where they will face the Chiefs on Sunday.

What is Joe Burrow's net worth?

Given the way in which he helped his team to return to the playoffs for the first time since 2015, one would imagine that the NFL's completion percentage leader would be swimming in money. Yet, relative to some of his more experienced peers, Burrow is actually not yet earning the kind of money that he surely will in time. According to multiple sources Joe Burrow's current net worth stands at $1 million. With his 4611 passing yards to the tune of 8.9 yards per pass, and 70.4% passing accuracy, the young QB has quite literally carried the Bengals to where they are now, so one can imagine that that number will climb in time.

Regarding the numbers themselves, most of his net worth comes from his contract. Having signed a four-year, $36 million deal with the Bengals immediately after being drafted, it can be said that the majority of his income is the result of signing bonuses. Burrow's base salary sits at approximately $2.2 million for the season. Where his other sources income are concerned, it is known that he has penned deals with Nike, headphone-making company Bose, and with online retailer Fanatics. While the monetary details these agreements are not publicly known, it's reasonable to believe that they have all been lucrative arrangements for the young quarterback. 

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