
Who stars in the new Batman movie?

The Batman has a seriously talented cast for the array of characters with Robert Pattinson donning the cape and cowl for the first time.

Warner Bros

Set to be released March 4, The Batman is yet another reboot for the caped crusader. Assuming the role in place of Ben Affleck, Robert Pattinson will hope the film is a success, despite its rumored three-hour runtime.

The film is set to depict the opening of Batman's career, taking influence from the Year Zero series. It promises to be darker, and rawer than previous iterations. Batman is joined by a host of villains, including Catwoman and The Riddler, the latter of which has not been seen in live action on the big screen since the 1990s.

Here are all the main cast that have been announced.


Batman/Bruce Wayne - Robert Pattinson

The star of The Lighthouse and the Twilight Saga announced himself back on the main stage with his role in Christopher Nolan's Tenet in 2020. When he was announced to play Batman there was much fan anger, but this reaction was assuaged by the first trailer release, which was met with overwhelmingly positive views.

Pattinson will continue playing Batman in the future films, currently in early development.

Catwoman/Selina Kyle - Zoë Kravitz

Reprising her role from The Lego Batman Movie, Kravitz is Catwoman. Recently, she has also featured in Kingsman: the Secret Service, as well as Fantastic Beasts.

Kravitz is the daughter of musician Lenny Kravitz.

The Riddler - Paul Dano

Golden Globe nominee Dano is in his first big budget blockbuster. He is known for his performances in 12 Years a Slave and There Will be Blood.

Commissioner Gordon - Jeffrey Wright

Wright is no stranger to blockbusters, being a regular performer in the James Bond franchise. He is also a Golden Globe winner for his performance in Angels of America back in 2004. Speaking about the role in The Batman, he said the casting reflected the growing diversity in the US.

The Penguin - Colin Farrell

Irish actor Colin Farrell underwent extensive makeup for his performance as the Penguin, as you can see below.

He is said to have used the character of Fredo Corleone from Godfather to influence his performance as the crimelord Oswald Cobblepot.

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