Brian Cox backtrack negative remarks about Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

He blames the media for taking his words out of context and insists that is not what he meant.

Michael CampanellaGetty

During his interview with Haute Living New York, Brian Cox backtracked his statements about the exiled Royals. The ‘Succession’ star claims that his words were taken out of context and blown out of proportion by the media.

In a recent interview with Radio Times, he said he has “enormous sympathy” for the couple after their announcement to leave the Royal Family in 2020. Earlier this month, the star claimed that Meghan had “clear ambitions” when she married the Prince in 2018 and knew what she would be getting into by marrying into the family.

He claimed in his interview that Meghan had fantasized about Harry being her Prince Charming and got caught up in the fairy tale that ultimately had an unhappy ending.

“But that’s a difficult situation where [Meghan] comes from, and it’s understandable that she sees something [appealing] – and it does look like a fairy tale. But it was a fairy tale that went horribly wrong.” says the 76-year-old actor.

Taking Brian Cox’s words out of context

After the media went wild over Brian Cox’s interview, the star has backtracked his statements, saying he never intended them to be ill-willed and actually pities their misfortune.

“I’m a bit angry about that because that whole thing has been taken out of context,” Cox says. “I actually have enormous sympathy for them.”

He said the couple was the product of a dying institution, which was difficult for Meghan to adapt to due to her American upbringing. Later in the interview, the Emmy winner says he would like to see the UK “move on” from the Monarchy in the first place.

Cox also mentions in the first interview that Meghan shouldn’t have been surprised at the state of affairs and drama of leaving the Royal Family.

“You can’t go into a system where somebody’s already been trained to behave in a certain kind of way and then just expect them to cut themselves off,” says Brian Cox.

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