Everything you need to know before the season finale of ‘The Last of Us’

Here is what to expect as HBO’s hit fungus series ‘The Last of Us’ will conclude its first season this weekend

HBO’s newest hit series ‘Last of Us’ comes to a close this Sunday, March 12 with a season finale but not to worry, the series has already been picked up for another season. Based on the game series by the same title, this series has had fans obsessed and continues to beat its own record viewership with each weekly episode.

This week fans gear up to see Joel and Ellie’s heroic journey come to a temporary end, and many viewers are wondering how close to the original gameplay will HBO go. Until then, here is everything you need to know as you prepare to watch the season finale.

When does ‘The Last of Us’ season finale air?

‘The Last of Us’ season finale will be available to stream on HBO Max starting at 9 pm ET on Sunday, March 12. It will also air on HBO at the same time if you have the channel.

How can I watch previous episodes of ‘The Last of Us’?

If you want to catch up ahead of the season finale, you can stream all previous episodes of the show on HBO Max as well.

What is the plot of the final episode?

‘Look for the Light’ will follow Joel and Ellie as they finally arrive at the location of the Fireflies research facility in Salt Lake City. The episode will also feature a flashback to Ellie’s mom that wasn’t in the original gameplay.

How long will the final episode be?

The run time for ‘Look for the Light’ is slated to be 43 minutes in total.

What does the ‘Look for the Light’ trailer reveal?

The preview for the final episode shows Joel and Ellie arriving in Salt Lake City and being ambushed with explosives. Theres several shots of Joel running around looking concerned as well as Ellie saying, ‘We finish what we start.’

The trailer also shows a pregnant woman running through the forest bracing herself for the infected rapidly approaching her. The pregnant woman is what fans assumed to be Ellie’s mom, who is also played by Ashley Johnson, the voice and motion capture actor for Ellie in the original gameplay.

What happened in the previous episode of ‘The Last of Us’?

Episode eight of the series began with Ellie leaving Joel who was still recovering from his injury to hunt for food. After shooting a dear, she encounters a preacher, David, and his fellow hunting partner James. She trades the deer for Pencillin for Joel.

It’s revealed that the man Joel killed in a previous episode was a part of David’s community and the two along with others returned the next day to seek vengeance. Ellie flees but eventually is captured and Joel manages to fight off those hunting him.

Once brought back to David’s camp it’s revealed he is feeding his community human flesh and they intend to make Ellie their next meal. David and James attempt to kill Ellie but she kills Jaems and escapes.

David continues to hunt for Ellie while Joel makes his way to David’s camp after discovering their location by torturing the information out of the men who were hunting him for vengeance.

Eventually, Ellie overpowers David and kills him in his cult’s community center which is now burning down. Ellie escapes the burning building and Joel finds her and comforts her.

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