Fast X director reveals Dom’s focus in upcoming film

Buckle up ‘Fast’ fans! The ‘Fast & Furious’ franchise is back for another film, and director Louis Leterrier opened up about the making of ‘Fast X’.

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The latest film in the ‘The Fast & Furious’ franchise is on the horizon, and the newly-released trailer does not disappoint fans with its action-packed streetcar races — but this time there is more of a focus on character development, especially Dom, as he takes on the role of fatherhood.

The ‘Fast X’ trailer, released on Friday, depicts Dominic Toretto, played by Vin Diesel, and his family and friends as events pick up where they left off in the last film. This film focuses on the development of Dom’s family like never before, as the trailer shows multiple scenes with Letty, love of his life, played by Michelle Rodriguez, and their son Brian.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, director Louis Leterrier said that the film was designed to tie the whole story together with a focus on Dom being good in a dark world.

“Dom has pushed forward, he’s got his son, he has everything, but he’s the light that attracts darkness,” Leterrier said. “Just like a magnet, he brings this thing behind him, and that’s what you are going to experience in this one.

“We looked at the whole saga and tied it together. Thematically, that’s what this movie is about, so let’s pay it off.”

The Dom storyline

Expanding on Dom and his family’s storyline, the director said that he really wanted to hone in on the portrayal of fatherhood.

“Dom was always a lone wolf. He was living, as he said, his life a quarter mile at a time,” Leterrier said. “He never thought that he would have responsibilities, a family that he created, and, later on, a son.

“The stakes are real now. You’re not just responsible for yourself and your wife, you are responsible for a human being, an innocent life that you brought into the world, so Dom has all these responsibilities.”

In the trailer, Dom talks about being a father and expresses his concern for his family’s safety, which was an important angle for Leterrier.

“Just like any son looks up to his father as the greatest person in the world and as a giant, Dom actually is this giant and the greatest person and the greatest driver in the world,” the director said.

“And Dom also teaches him how to drive, he teaches him life, he teaches him also to look over his shoulder, he teaches him that life is full of surprises, good but also bad.

“That’s important that he’s teaching him what his father didn’t have time to teach him because he was killed early. Dom is changing and life is changing. Life has more weight now.”

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